More energetic, sleep easily and heat no more!

I found my trips to SHANTI Salon a pleasant surprise.

I had noticed that I had recently been feeling less energetic, so I decided to try the place out.

Everything there made me feel welcome; starting from the cup of tea as soon as I entered through to the friendly manner of the staff, even to the music played during the treatment.

I also felt a strong sense of ‘participation’ throughout – the consultant I met took the time to sit with me whilst filling out the questionnaire. (One thing I have always hated about questionnaires is that, no matter how carefully created, there are always questions that I am not sure how to answer).

This continued into the actual consulting session itself. The consultant talked to me about the treatment as she worked, occasionally asking questions and explaining the significance of my answers.


After my first session I not only felt more energetic that before, but I found at night that I slipped into sleep much more easily and woke in morning more refreshed and alert.

In addition I found that some patches on my arms and legs which flared up in cold dry weather had begun to fade, and interestingly I felt the cold more. Perhaps this last needs a little more explanation. I have always felt warmer than other people, needing stronger aircon in summer and feeling stiflingly hot in trains and offices in winter – I just seemed to be running ‘hot’ all the time, so I take the feeling the cold the same as others as a good thing.

Overall I found it an interesting and a beneficial experience. The philosophy of Tui-na is to treat the whole person – we are not machines where you press a few buttons and where all the parts function in isolation – so everything is designed around treating you with respect and to put you at ease, and produces results which can surprise someone who normally thinks of health as getting pills for just this symptom or that. I would recommend Shanti Salon to anyone, even those who already feel healthy.



  1. 推拿整体サロンshantiホームページリニューアルしました。…

  2. 「お客様の声」追加しました。

  3. 二日酔&悪酔い予防漢方茶「酒前茶」新発売!

  4. 人に歴史あり

  5. 休日営業

  6. 彩蔵クリエイト